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For my people will live as long as trees...For they are people blessed by the Lord,and their children too, will be blessed. I will answer them before they even call to me. While they are still talking about their needs,I will go ahead and answer their prayers! Isaiah 65:22-24
4 Comments - Show Original Post Collapse comments
Blogger Kitchenmate said...
You seems to be going hit with cookery books, looks very colourful, isn't it? Hope to see you with more recipes from these books:)
BTW: Will let us know the coriander growing tips, i saw those lussy corianders in one your post, I loved it at that very moment since I having a utter failure attempt with its growing technique!!!
5/04/2006 12:07:00 AM
Blogger paati said...
first change the potted soil before sowing the seeds, water it everyday , ie: see to it that the soil is always moist & keep the pot in direct sunlight & away from the cold winds!I used the dhania seeds( no need to soak the seeds beforehand) used for cooking! Also see to it that the seeds are not of very old stock( poor quality) for if that is the case they will never sprout! Before sowing the seeds , inspect them carefully to see that they are not broken, for sometimes the seeds found in indian grocery stores may be broken ones( it has happened to me, & those seeds never sprouted).I keep mine near the kitchen window(closed) , that way they have direct sunshine ( sort of glass house effect!) & at the same time are also protected from the sudden drop in temperature!( & you also know that most of the time it is always warm in the kitchen,the ideal condition for their growth!) .The only fertiliser( if you can call it that) i ever add is , to layer the bottom of the pot with some crushed egg shells & tea leaves ! With all such care taken they wont sprout more than 2 to 3 leaves but i feel that these tiny leaves are packed with more flavour than the store bought ones!( see chettinad milagu kozhi recipe to see their growth!) Hope this helps:)
5/04/2006 07:46:00 PM
Blogger Kitchenmate said...
Oh, Paati, thanks you so much. i really appreciate it. I dont know whether you know or not, you are inspiration to so many people like me to start blog. Hope to see you with so much recipes for us:)
5/05/2006 08:22:00 AM
Blogger paati said...
Thanks kitchenmate, you are making me blush!:)
5/05/2006 06:52:00 PM
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