Muttai kaima dosai(egg&minced meat filled crepes)
Saturday, July 16, 2005
Muttai kaima dosai(egg&minced meat filled crepes)
Dosai batter- 3 cups, minced beef or mutton- 200 gms, onions- 2 chopped, tomato-1 chopped, coriander leaves-few sprigs, chopped, green chillies-3 chopped, potatoes- 3 cubed & boiled, egg-1, ginger-garlic paste- 2 tsp, turmeric pwd-1/2 tsp, chilli pwd-1 tsp, oil- 2 tbsp, salt to taste.Scramble the eggs & keep aside. Heat oil in a kadai & saute the onions and green chilies.When the onions are golden add the ginger-garlic paste, tomato, coriander leaves, turmeric & chilli pwdrs and fry for 2 to 3 add the mince & mix well . Add half a cup of water & cover the kadai & cook till the mince is well cooked.

Now add the potatoes & the scrambled eggs.
Blogger Jyotsna said...
Hi Paati,
I am getting so hungry looking at your dosai and idli. Can you give me a good veg recipe, including potatoes?
Thanks for your comment on my site!
Are you Tamil?
7/18/2005 04:55:00 PM
Blogger paati said...
hi jyotsna
happy to see you on my site.soon i will post a very good potato recipe for you , so please wait & see.
7/18/2005 08:51:00 PM
Anonymous hehehewalrus said...
Thats a nice blog. Keep on posting irrespective of the encouragement, you must be dedicated to take snaps at every stage of your cooking. Keep it up.
7/18/2005 09:12:00 PM
Blogger paati said...
hi hehehewalrus
thanks for stopping by.i am a real foodie so bolgging about food is not that difficult but at the same time the encouragement(the comments) helps to bring out one's best!so pls keep visiting & posing your comments.
7/19/2005 01:34:00 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Hi, I loved yur site. Can you post a recipe for dosa some time in the future? Thank you.
7/19/2005 03:44:00 AM
Blogger paati said...
hi shakthi
very soon i will post the dosa recipe ,so keep visiting the blog
7/19/2005 12:50:00 PM
Anonymous Monsieur-Le-Pondicherry said...
Dear Patti
Can you please tell me where I could get the wooden stick that you have used in your photos to spread the Dosai?
7/21/2005 05:40:00 PM
Blogger paati said...
dear monieur le pondicherry
i bought it during a sale in the supermarket near my place.(near the airport!)
7/22/2005 01:48:00 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Hi Paati:
Your blog is really cool one...I was searching for a site which makes cooking easy i.e., with what is available at home instead of going for costly things. Your blog is just one of them. Very few ppl post like what you do. I would be very happy if you could post some bengali dishes...
11/19/2006 09:58:00 AM
Blogger paati said...
thanks,ushu & welcome to my blog:)i will try to post some tried & tested bengali recipes when time permits! hope to see you more often on my blog;)
11/19/2006 03:49:00 PM
Oi, sou o Clausewitz e gostaria de convidar você para visitar meu blog e conhecer alguma coisa sobre o Brasil. Abração
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